We are excited you stopped by Trinity Baptist Church's site! Feel free to reach out via social media, phone, or email if you have any questions or need prayer. If you are in the Farmersville, TX area, come see us!
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Farmersville Baptist Church, Texas, Southern Baptist Church, Merit, Caddo Mills, Princeton, Wylie, Blue Ridge, Greenville Baptist Church
Join us for this year's "feed the Farmers" breakfasts, where our church hosts the Farmersville's varsity football team, coaches, and trainers for breakfast and team meetings. Stay tuned for dates!
Summer Camps: Youth Camp, June 8-June 12th, Pre-Teen Camp, July 11-July14th
Mosaic Arts Week: July 15th-July 18th - Don't miss a fun week that combines the arts and Scripture to grow your kids. The core part of the week is Tuesday - Friday, but DON'T MISS SUNDAY'S fun (July 20th), with a musical presentation from the kids during worship service, followed by burgers and hot dogs, jump houses, and fun!
Youth Weekend: Thank you for attending Youth Weekend - it was a GREAT weekend of worship and studying the Word at Lake Lavon Camp.
SALT Small Group: Join us for monthly small groups! Share a wonderful meal, study the Word together, and enjoy fellowship... don't miss it!
Education Wing Remodel: Our remodeling efforts are nearing completion as we finish building maintenance in our educational spaces. We encourage you to take a tour of the updated rooms while we finish our work!
Couples Class: We are adding a new Sunday morning Bible study (Sunday School) class at Trinity! Stay tuned for start dates... most likely early summer, late spring.
Classical Conversations Location: Trinity has partnered with Classical Conversations to offer our facilities for use in their pursuit of classical education. If you are interested in learning more about this new opportunity for our community and surrounding area, please send us an email and we will connect you to the right people.
Sunday School/Bible Study - Sundays @ 9AM
Worship Service - Sundays @ 10:00AM
Small Group - Sundays @ 6PM (restarting February 4th)
Adult Prayer & Bible Study - Wednesdays @ 6PM
Jesus Freaks Youth Service - Wednesdays @ 6PM
TBC Kidz Ministry - Wednesdays @ 6PM
512 McKinney Street, Farmersville, Texas 75442, United States